Wednesday, December 27, 2006

I am back

I have been really busy lately with all of my projects at work. I am just about to complete my biggest project ever. I can't say to much about it yet but I will post more when it is finished. I have had a learn a ton for this project. It will be my second CMS Flash site and my first one was nothing next to this one. I am very proud of this site but i am sure i will out do it with the next project. A lot has changed in the past months:
  1. Mcomm is down to a two person creative team.
  2. I do print work.
  3. My wife has her own flower shop.
  4. My band is going on tour.
  5. I went from not having a Mac to having 2!!
  6. And two of my close friends are getting married
  7. Last, one of my closest friends is going to have a baby!
I hope everyone had a great holiday and I will post again soon. Happy New Year!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Tarini Wines (dot) com

Tarini Wines (dot) com
Has launched!! This is one of my favorite site I have ever done. I Love the reflections and how the colors change to match the color of the wine label. Go check out the site and please comment me back and let me know what you think.

Monday, August 21, 2006


This is my first post of many. I have decided to start blogging my life not that anyone will ever read this but i sounded like fun. Just a way to let out some of my emotions and let you all in on a part of my life, my style, my love, and my hates. This is my blog.

Lets bring you up to speed on my life so far. I have a 16 month old baby girl and a wonderful wife. I work as a Interactive Developer for a marketing company in Peoria, IL. I used to be in an amazing band called Shade Tree and maybe one day will join back with those guys again. I will just have to wait and see what God wants to do in my life. Right now my main focus in life is being a great Dad, Husband, and working on my self (life styles, health, music, and art).

Also I have just become a vegetarian?!?! It has been one of the best choices i have ever made. I have set a lot of personal goals that i have to complete in the next 12 weeks. Lets just say I will be a different person both physically and spiritually.
That is the one of the main reasons I have started this blog.
The others are:
  1. To remind myself why i am changing my lifestyle.
  2. So if there ever is anyone who reads this they can keep me on track.

Thanks for reading blog 1
