Wednesday, December 27, 2006

I am back

I have been really busy lately with all of my projects at work. I am just about to complete my biggest project ever. I can't say to much about it yet but I will post more when it is finished. I have had a learn a ton for this project. It will be my second CMS Flash site and my first one was nothing next to this one. I am very proud of this site but i am sure i will out do it with the next project. A lot has changed in the past months:
  1. Mcomm is down to a two person creative team.
  2. I do print work.
  3. My wife has her own flower shop.
  4. My band is going on tour.
  5. I went from not having a Mac to having 2!!
  6. And two of my close friends are getting married
  7. Last, one of my closest friends is going to have a baby!
I hope everyone had a great holiday and I will post again soon. Happy New Year!

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