Monday, August 21, 2006


This is my first post of many. I have decided to start blogging my life not that anyone will ever read this but i sounded like fun. Just a way to let out some of my emotions and let you all in on a part of my life, my style, my love, and my hates. This is my blog.

Lets bring you up to speed on my life so far. I have a 16 month old baby girl and a wonderful wife. I work as a Interactive Developer for a marketing company in Peoria, IL. I used to be in an amazing band called Shade Tree and maybe one day will join back with those guys again. I will just have to wait and see what God wants to do in my life. Right now my main focus in life is being a great Dad, Husband, and working on my self (life styles, health, music, and art).

Also I have just become a vegetarian?!?! It has been one of the best choices i have ever made. I have set a lot of personal goals that i have to complete in the next 12 weeks. Lets just say I will be a different person both physically and spiritually.
That is the one of the main reasons I have started this blog.
The others are:
  1. To remind myself why i am changing my lifestyle.
  2. So if there ever is anyone who reads this they can keep me on track.

Thanks for reading blog 1


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